Monitoring Exchange 2013 mailbox databases with Check_MK

I confirm: the old check created some time ago (see this article) doesn’t work for Exchange 2013 installations. It seems to be be caused by significant changes on Powershell calls or cmdlets. I am having some troubles to get rid of the issue because I stepped away of Exchange business some time ago. A friend of mine is helping me to make the script working and I’ll hopefully publish a new version for Exchange 2013 very soon.

Stay tuned.

yum useful commands

To get a list of availale updates

yum -v check-update

To get a transaction list of last updates

yum -v history list

To get a list of changes during a transaction

yum history info <transactionID>

To remove obsolete kernel packages without questions

package-cleanup –oldkernels -y

Monitoring Citrix Netscaler with Check_MK

Hey there,

it’s at the time to share my experiences with the monitoring of Citrix Netscaler with Check_MK (below called CMK).

The so-called innovation release of CMK 1.2.7i contains some checks for Netscaler that are based on SNMP: Continue reading

Sascha Lobo gg. Pseudoskepsis

Verschwörungstheorien: Zweifeln ist ja so geil – SPIEGEL ONLINE – Nachrichten – Netzwelt

AGK Fire: Android-Apps vom Smartphone aufs Fire TV bringen

Fortigate checks for Check_MK updated to 2.2.3

Hi there,

I’ve updated the package to the version 2.2.3. Please consider updating to the new version some time. The change concerns only the check fortigate_ipsec and corrects a bug, that can cause an issue, when a IPSec tunnel doesn’t exist anymore. In this case the check can disturb the execution of other checks and make it not possible to re-execute the inventory.

The new version 2.2.3 is located as always on the check_mk exchange site.

Best regards

Hermann Maurer

Adding a new HDD to the existing VG

Sometimes you need to extend the existing volume group to be able to add free space to the logical volumes in there.

Look at this situation:

[root@localhost ~]# vgs data
 VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree
 data 1 1 0 wz--n- 39.99g 0

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