Tag Archives: Fortigate

Fortigate checks in Check_MK

Dear friends of Check_MK and Fortigates,

I would like to clarify something related to Fortigate checks that I did maintain a long period of time. Those checks ran pretty well (from my point of view) and were useful in the versions of Check_MK before 1.4. Starting from 1.4 Check_MK has some strong Fortigate checks, which work quite well and those make the further development of my checks (almost) not reasonable anymore.

This is the reason, why I stopped maintaining my checks. Of course, I am still missing the check related to FAPs (Fortinet Access Points) and I don’t like the built-in VPN check very much (N tunnels from L are down).

So, please share your ideas with me and others in the comments, what kind of Fortigate checks you are missing in Check_MK 1.4 or what checks from my package you would like to see updated for Check_MK 1.4.

Best regards

Hermann Maurer

Fortigate Check_MK plugin updated to 2.3

Once again I have uploaded a new version of the Fortigate Check_MK plugin to Check_MK Exchange. The new version 2.3 got a new check called fortigate-wlan-info. This check is intended to display the following information about the usage of Fortiinet Access Points (FAP), connected to the monitored Fortigate:

  • Number of active FAPs
  • Numer of missed FAPs or those in down state
  • Numer of mobile clients connected to all FAPs

The new check has a Perf-O-Meter as well as an adjusted PNP4Nagios template.

The new vesion of the plugin can be (hopefully soon) downloaded from Check_MK Exchange.

Fortigate checks for Check_MK updated to 2.2.2

Hi there,

again there has been a bug in the OID in the check fortigate_sessions. Or maybe I didn’t create the package carefully enough. Anyway there is a new version 2.2.2 and it’s located as always on the check_mk exchange site. Please consider updating as soon as possible, because the version 2.2.1 collects wrong values.

Best regards

Hermann Maurer

Fortigate checks for Check_MK updated to 2.2.1

I’ve just uploaded a new version of the check to Check_MK Exchange site. This is a bug fixing version, is doesn’t contain any new features.

The new version includes a minor bug fix in fortigate_sslvpn check. I corrected the OID used there to get the value of the active SSL VPN sessions. The old versions might show a wrong number of active sessions. Please update the package.

Fortigate checks for Check_MK updated

Today I’ve uploaded a new version of checks for Fortigate devices. The new version is 2.2 and can be downloaded from the exchange site of the Check_MK project. These are new features:

  • added a check to monitor the synchronization status of Fortigate high availability clusters (HA cluster)
  • added a check to monitor the number of current VPN SSL connections
  • added perf-o-meters for some checks
  • minor changes

The checks have worked under CMK 1.2.4p2 and 1.2.4.p3, but might work with other versions of Check_MK. The Fortigate devices the checks work successfully with are: Fortigate 60C/60D/90D/300C