Tag Archives: Linux

Migrate To AlmaLinux From CentOS 8 Using Almalinux-deploy Script

The article describes a way to move from Centos 8 to AlmaLinux. This is a hot topic because Centos 8 won’t be supported after December 2021 anymore.


Winter is Coming for CentOS 8

This article describes very good and deeply the problem with Centos 8 and also its evolution from the beginning to today, when everyone using Centos 8 should make (should have made!) thoughts about the future of his systems.


yum useful commands

To get a list of availale updates

yum -v check-update

To get a transaction list of last updates

yum -v history list

To get a list of changes during a transaction

yum history info <transactionID>

To remove obsolete kernel packages without questions

package-cleanup –oldkernels -y